The Story

Sophie the salon owner, always had big dreams. Becoming A hairdresser was just the start.

Understanding hairdressing isn’t just hair, it’s a way of life. So she created an environment that was a safe place for people to truly be themselves. Not only in personality but also in look. Feeling comfortable in your own skin is such a blessing and we hope to achieve this for you.

Established in 2020, the salon has really had everything thrown at it.. and that’s just the walls! Having a salon full of the latest products, tools and training means we are one step ahead of trends and understanding needs. Sophie always wants everyone to have the best. From being the best stylist she could be, even down to the cuppa, you name it.

2024, was the most exciting year yet! We came away with 3 awards, Sophie becoming the “Recommended Hair Stylist of the Year” and the salon was granted top 50 New Salons at The UK Hair and Beauty Awards. As a team we went on to the South England Hair and Beauty Awards and won “ Hair & Beauty Salon of the Year”. Winning awards really does recognise the hard work and commitment that goes into the salon.

Then the salon hired Jess our salon apprentice, a true superstar! Training to become a hairdresser, she really is one of a kind. We look forward to you witnessing her development and contributions to our salon.

We can’t tell you what Sophie has up her sleeve next..

however her dedication and love for the staff, customers and salon you know, its going to be great


Sophie is lovely and always does a fantastic job with my hair. I 100% recommend Sophie if you are looking for a talented hairdresser!
— Lora Clarke